River - Alaska Highway
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Welcome to the Peace River - Alaska Highway portion
of Northern British Columbia. Located in the Northeast of the province,
between the Rocky Mountain Foothills on the west and the Alberta Plains
on the east, this is a land of diverse and fantastic beauty.
Wildlife is abundant and visitors are often treated to views of Grizzly
and Black bears, deer, moose, caribou, and bald eagles. The rivers
and lakes offer anglers world class fishing for Lake Char, Northern
Pike, Walleye, Arctic Grayling, Dolly Varden, Rainbow Trout and Mountain
The Peace River Alaska Highway is truly a four season paradise. Spring,
summer and fall months provide vacationers great camping, hiking,
canoeing, fishing and hunting opportunities. While the winter months
are enjoyed by skiers, snowmobilers and ice-fishermen.
endless hours of summer daylight to the incredible winter displays
of the Northern Lights, the friendly people of the Peace River Alaska
Highway region of BC welcome you to visit this spectacular country.
You will find information on the points of interest, communities,
trails, provincial parks, accommodations, adventures and outdoor shops.